Thursday 1 April 2010 Tests

I recently completed another personality test on-line. The first part was a basic MBTI (but not affiliated) test which of course came out to the expected result ENTP. The second part was very interesting as it described how well I do in certain area's. More on that one later.  First, here's a list of famous ENTP celebrities and historical figures. I'll bold my favourites.

Alexander the Great - king, military commander
Alfred Hitchcock - filmmaker (The Birds)
David Spade - actor, comedian
George Carlin - comedian, actor, author
James A. Garfield - American President
John Adams - American President
John Candy - comedian, actor
Julia Child - chef, author, TV personality
Lewis Carroll - author (Alice in Wonderland)
Marilyn Vos Savant - author, lecturer, playwright
Matthew Perry - actor (Friends)
Nikola Tesla - inventor, physicist, engineer
Richard Feynman - physicist
Rodney Dangerfield - comedian, actor
Rutherford B. Hayes - American President
Sir Walter Raleigh - writer, poet, explorer
Suzanne Pleshette - actress
Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt - American President
Thomas Edison - inventor
Tom Hanks - actor
Valerie Harper - actress
Walt Disney - filmmaker, entrepreneur
Weird Al Yankovic - musician (satire/parody)

Notice that in this list there are 4 American presidents and a king... actually the only man to single handedly nearly conquer the known world. Alexander was also a student of Aristotle, who was a student of Plato, who was a student of Socrates; the top 3 of my 10 favourite thinkers of all time. Socrates is of course a previous incarnation of Christ, IMO.

The second part of the test determines my strengths. It kinda determines not my IQ, but what ratio of my intelligence is better suited to certain topics.  Here's the results.

Logical/Mathematical     95%

I would have thought my Visual/Spatial & Musical scores could have been in the 80's and Naturalist closer to 60%. No standardized test is perfect. But this really helps put many of my theories into perspective. For instance, here's a list of the jobs they say I'm best suited for. Again, I've put some in bold if I've already worked in or am interested in working in that field.

Actor, Artist, Consultant, Computer Programmer, Comedian, Computer Analyst, Designer, Engineer, Entrepreneur, Inventor, Journalist, Lawyer/Attorney, Musician, Marketer, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Politician, Photographer, Systems Analyst, Sales Representative, Scientist, Writer.

I enjoyed Science, but I found it was really too restrictive, until I started watching Fringe. Dr. Bishop's crazy, mad-scientist is really cool and I will most likely, one day, probably end up like that... minus the 17 years in an asylum (I hope). Writing and Journalism I kinda do now with my poetry, web comics and this blog. I've already done 3 years in college for Computer Programming, Systems Design & Analysis. I love working with code and solving issues with hardware, software, environments, needs etc. Engineer & Inventor are BIG TIME goals of my current path for RMC. Hoping to get my Engineering degree in Robotics. Maybe invent some really cool coffee maker that delivers to your bedroom. I have consulted on the side, advising people on strategies for upgrading their business tech, or making suggestions regarding how they can improve the flow of data in their offices. Never made a cent, but I do it anyway.

So there you have it. Hit up and see it for yourself. If you're on my FB friends list, you'll be able to compare our results.

Friar Greg

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have no idea why Weird Al is always listed as ENTP. I don't know that he's ever taken the test, if he has he has certainly never announced the results, and FWIW, I'd say he's more likely to be an ENFP, but only slightly more E than I.