Sunday 11 April 2010

#1 GC25XZC - Where the Dogs Poop

This is the first official Geocache that I actually found the hidden cache.  I had assumed that the first one I followed was just a place, the second one had lots of notes saying they couldn't find it and the third hunt turned up a mess of trash, leaves and a million places it might hide.

As my first official find, I dedicate "Where the Dogs Poop" to my first love who is still my dear friend, seeing as how this cache is located not 20 meters from where we sat, talked and sang to each other into the wee hours of the morning on the first day we met. Shannon, this one is for you.

I can't wait to go back and hit the other sites. I might have better luck now that I know what I'm looking for. Sometimes it just takes that one success to make all the failures become learning examples.  Anyway. I hope you enjoy the rest of these cache blogs. It is exhilarating and I feel so adventurous as I set out to find a new place.

Friar Greg

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